The Council shall have responsibility for:
a. Determining the standard of knowledge and skill to be attained by persons seeking to become members of the medical or dental profession and reviewing those standards from time to time as circumstances may permit;
b. Securing in accordance with the provision of this Act, the establishment and maintenance of registers of persons entitled to practice members of the medical or dental profession and the publication from time to time of list of those persons;
c. Reviewing and preparing from time to time, a statement as to the code of conduct which the council considers desirable for the practice of the professions in Nigeria;
d. Supervising and controlling the practice of homeopathy and other forms of alternative medicine; (1992 No. 78);
e. Making regulations for the operation of clinical laboratory practical in the field of Forensic Pathology, Autopsy and Cytology, Parasitology, Chemical Pathology, Medical Virology, and (1991 No. 78);
f. Performing the other functions conferred on the Council by this Act.